This Just In: White House Teleconference 2/10/21 - Immunosuppression and COVID Vaccine


Inflammation & Immunity Series

In a White House teleconference on Wednesday, Dr. Fauci addressed questions about those of us who live with an immunosuppressed state and whether or not the mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 are safe and/or helpful. Visit this link to read a transcript of this teleconference.

Does this apply to you?

Immunocompromised, immune-deficient, immunosuppressed -- all different ways of describing an immune system that isn't working well. Without a strong immune reaction, our defenses against viral and bacterial invasions are low. Even leukemia is a disease of a poorly functioning immune system due to its impact on white blood cells -- those cells we marshall when faced with an infection. In another category of disease, a body's immune system attacks its own healthy tissues. This is called “autoimmunity.' At times, a person who suffers from autoimmune disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis, or Type 1 diabetes, has opted to take medication that's designed to intentionally suppress the immune system.

If you are taking immunosuppressants, such as corticosteroids and biologics, you could be more likely to get COVID-19 and more likely to experience more severe symptoms. According to Dr. Fauci, you're one of "the very people who should get vaccinated."

If you would like to know more about your body's defense system, and ways to avoid a state of immunocompromise, follow my series on immunity with a special emphasis on autoimmunity -- one of the fastest-growing categories of disease for women. Chances are, there are some changes you can make to shore up this foundational part of your health.

About the Inflammation & Immunity Series

This series of “doable” weekly installments, focused on gut health and immunity, is designed to help you understand the ways in which your defenses might be down and your overall health degraded. It’s meant to empower you to act in measurable and realistic ways. In the middle of a global crisis, you can take it upon yourself to get stronger. I want to help you understand your vulnerabilities and suggest ways you can realistically improve your health. Chances are, these are changes your body has been asking you to make for a while now.


This Just In: IFM information on the COVID-19 Vaccines


Forever & A Day: Why the topic of immunity will always matter, beyond this global moment.