AIC Pearls
Some pearls of wisdom I’d like to share with you of my notes from the IFM’s Annual International Conference 2022.
“What goes on the gut does not stay in the gut.” Dr. Emeran Mayer
To Improve Sleep - Dr. Matt Walker
Remove all clock faces from the bedroom
Keep the room temperature 65 degrees or lower
Do nothing – If you have a night of poor sleep, don’t go to bed early, don’t nap
Natural Killer cells are the 007 of the immune system and are reduced by 70% when people sleep only 4 hours. Less sleep = weaker immune system!
Supplements with promising data for sleep:
Magnesium threonate
Tart cherry juice
P. serine
Sleep medications are sedative hypnotics – this is not natural sleep – use short term
CBT-I (Cognitive Behavior Therapy - Insomnia) is the first line threatment for sleep issues
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
Mast cells release either IL 31 or 33 which is more itchy than histamine
IL 6 is a better indicator of mastocytosis than histamine
Leutolin is the best flavonoid we have
Use for Alzheimers, long COVID
Non-Conventional Mental Health, Dr. Scott Shannon
Psilocybin is one molecule different than serotonin
Breast Cancer Update, Dr. Barry Boyd
Diet plays a major role in ⅓-⅔ of cancers
Elevated BMI -> elevated insulin -> increased risk of cancer death or recurrence
Don’t take a probiotic if you have cancer - take fiber and butyrate, Science 2021
Also, be careful with Antioxidants, iron, and B12
Supplements to consider taking::
Vitamin C
Vitamin D - Vital Study 2019 showed supplementing with vitamin D provided a significant reduction in advanced cancers
Multi - WHI, improved survival
Soy may be protective
Regenerative Health, Daphne Miller
The system of agriculture is the problem, not the crop