Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast Cancer Prevention - Carrie Levine

A recently published article on about a woman in Portland, Maine, who discovered she had breast cancer, made me want to write about breast cancer prevention and awareness. Although it’s not October, and there aren’t pink ribbons everywhere you look, it is always important to be aware, practice self-exams, and do what you can for prevention - regardless of the month of the year.

At the Whole Woman Health clinic, I care for women before, during, and after treatment. Goodness knows most women have ample cancer fear that does not need to be fueled. So, my intention with this blog is to bring some press geared toward breast health.

  1. Food is your first medicine.

food is your first medicine - carrie levine

If you’ve read my work in the past, this is not news to you. If you want to send happy and healthy messages to your cells and genes, eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Organic if you can.

  • Berries are best. They are rich in antioxidants that help your body detoxify plastics and exhaust, two toxins associated with increased incidences of breast disease. Berries also have a low-glycemic index, meaning they will help keep your blood sugar levels stable. This is key to maintaining healthy insulin levels and weight. 

  • Avoid sugar and decrease your carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates are prominent in bread, cereal, and pasta.

  • As for veggies, the greener the better, particularly the cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, cabbage, and brussels sprouts. These vegetables are rich in sulfur-containing compounds that are documented to decrease incidences of breast cancer. 

  • When cooking meat, avoid charring on the grill. That black stuff sets off a reaction in your body that goes no place good. Use a meat thermometer to be sure you are not overcooking your food.

  • As for the oils, the fresher the better. Any possibility it’s rancid, throw it away. Small amounts of saturated fat, like coconut oil, are okay, possibly even beneficial. Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), like olive oil, are considered the healthiest. Polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs) like corn, safflower, and sunflower – well, the jury is still out. And if you don’t already, avoid trans fats like margarine. They stimulate inflammation. Inflammation is the root cause of most chronic diseases. I like my cabinet stocked with a variety of oils. I try to grab a different one every time.

  • There’s no need to be afraid of a normal dietary intake of soy. Soy is a plant-based high protein, low carbohydrate, low fat food that is rich with a variety of other nutrients. Avoid soy capsules and daily use of soy-based protein powders, but enjoy some edamame.

  • Moderate your alcohol intake. What does that mean? It means, from the perspective of breast health, do not drink alcohol every day. Daily alcohol intake increases the risk of breast cancer. Red wine is probably best because it is rich in resveratrol, a nutrient which may help prevent cancer.

2. Exercise is essential.

exercise is essential - carrie levine

An article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, in 2015 recommended 300 minutes of vigorous exercise a week. This is twice the recommendation for the average Jane. Sweating matters. By that, I mean you have to sweat.

3. Just like sweating matters, so does pooping.

pooping matters - carrie levine

Daily bowel movements eliminate the byproducts of hormone metabolism and other toxins. You want those byproducts gone so they are not reabsorbed into the body, thereby increasing your toxic load.

4. Perform a self-exam once a month.

perform a self exam once a month

The National Breast Cancer Foundation has more detailed information about how you should perform the self-exam. 

  • Menstruating women: Perform the exam a few days after your period ends.

  • Postmenopausal women: Choose a set day each month to perform the exam.

5. Lastly, massage your breasts.

massage your breasts for breast health

Or have someone else you choose carefully do that for you. It’s controversial as to whether or not breast massage actually increases breast size, but that’s not the focus here. The breast is surrounded by lots of lymph nodes and breast health depends on those nodes working well. Breast massage can support lymphatic function.

My take-home message to you is: If you have boobs, love them. Send them anti-inflammatory messages through the food you eat and the movement of your body. Your thoughts affect your cells, too, so dump the cancer fear and send them loving, positive thoughts. Let’s celebrate that.


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