Motherhood & Mental Health - Maine Calling

I had the pleasure of being a guest on Maine Calling on Thursday to discuss Motherhood and Mental Health alongside panelist Joanne Grant and co-hosts Jennifer Rooks and Cindy Han. 

While Mother's Day is a day to celebrate and express love and appreciation for the vital role that mothers play, it doesn't often address the toll that motherhood can take on women's mental health. 

During the show, we talked about the mental health concerns that moms face, including post-partum depression, stress from juggling too many responsibilities, and the support available for mothers at various stages in life. While we celebrate mothers, it's important to pay attention to the strains on their mental health and consider what can be done to help.

If you missed the show, you can listen to the rebroadcast here. And remember, no matter what Mother's Day brings up for you, taking care of ourselves is a great way to celebrate and honor all women.


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