This Just In: COVID-19 Vaccines Can Cause Swelling of Lymph Nodes Felt on Physical Exam and Visible on Mammogram

"When you hear hoofbeats, don't think zebra." Dr. Connie Lehman, chief of breast imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital.

Some women are experiencing swollen lymph nodes either felt on physical exam or seen on mammogram after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.  Swollen lymph nodes are a red flag for cancer. Typically, swollen lymph nodes around the armpits indicate the need for a breast biopsy, but this may not be necessary if the swelling is caused by the vaccine. This side effect indicates that your body is developing an immune response to the virus that causes Covid-19. Ideally, schedule a screening mammogram either before receiving the first dose of the vaccine or six weeks after receiving the second dose of the vaccine. 

To read the full article, go to:

More Installments to the Inflammation & Immunity Series to come!

This series of “doable” weekly-ish installments, focused on gut health and immunity, is designed to help you understand the ways in which your defenses might be down and your overall health degraded. It’s meant to empower you to act in measurable and realistic ways. In the middle of a global crisis, you can take it upon yourself to get stronger. I want to help you understand your vulnerabilities and suggest ways you can realistically improve your health. Chances are, these are changes your body has been asking you to make for a while now.


The Microbiome: Gut history, the history of conventional medicine, and why we need a reset


This Just In: IFM information on the COVID-19 Vaccines