Whole Woman Health on the Whole Healed Holy Podcast

Join me for a conversation about whole health for women, exploring the whys of health rather than the whats, with my guest, Carrie E. Levine.

Carrie E. Levine is a certified nurse midwife, an Institute of Functional Medicine Certified Practitioner, the founder of the Whole Woman Health Clinic, and the author of Whole Woman Health: A Guide to Creating Wellness For Any Age and Stage.  She helps women find wholeness in imperfection, healing them restore their health at any age or stage. In her two decades of innovative healthcare practice, Levine has harnessed science and intuition to connect her patients’ physical symptoms and test results with their lifestyle choices and daily practices, resulting in whole, healthy and happy lives.


To deepen in with Carrie and her work you can find her here:

https://carrielevine.com/ and on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/carrielevine.cnm/




Patricia Russo is a Mystic, Muse and Spiritual Teacher guiding women into their hearts with a journey of Softening. She’s a published poet, a lover of hearts, and a forever student.

The Whole Healed Holy Podcast is a place for conversations of the heart and exploring healing, divinity, and all things sacred. Patricia Russo is a Mystic, Muse and Spiritual Teacher guiding women into their hearts with a journey of Softening. She’s a published poet, a lover of hearts, and a forever student. Welcome to a sacred pause and hopefully a few tingles, and to a reminder that we are all whole, healed and holy.


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